LOTR Heroes game service is shutting down on May 24th, 2024. Thank you for supporting the site - LOTR.GG will remain online for historical purposes but no new data will be processed after March 20th, 2024.
Unexpected Travelers (3 - 1)
Haradrim aren't normally found this far north. What do they seek?
Target Level: 12
Hunting…Trolls? (3 - 2)
The Troll Caves of the north are infiltrated by Haradrim.
Target Level: 13
Among the Troll Caves (3 - 3)
The Dúnedain press closer to learn what about these caves attracts the Haradrim.
Target Level: 13
Quiet Conversation (3 - 4)
Halbarad slips closer to the enemy to listen to their discussion.
Target Level: 13
A Ranger Caught! (3 - 5)
Halbarad is caught by the Haradrim and the Shadowy Figure who is with them.
Target Level: 14
Evil Enchantment (3 - 6)
Can the Dúnedain rescue Halbarad from his captors?
Target Level: 16
Tactics and Strategies (3 - 8)
Aragorn and Mírie attempt different tactics against the new alliance.
Target Level: 18
Game Overview
LOTR.gg is a Lord of the Rings Heroes of Middle Earth Database for the Lord of the Rings Heroes of Middle Earth app on iOS and Android.
Check it out at the official website
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