LOTR Heroes game service is shutting down on May 24th, 2024. Thank you for supporting the site - LOTR.GG will remain online for historical purposes but no new data will be processed after March 20th, 2024.
Dark Days (6 - 1)
With King Théoden indisposed, Éomer leads the charge against the invading Orc army.
Target Level: 52
Counterattack (6 - 2)
Éomer hunts down the Orc war party, hoping to learn more about his enemy.
Target Level: 53
Head On (6 - 3)
After sending word of his discovery to Éothain, Éomer prepares to charge the Orcs.
Target Level: 54
Spotted (6 - 4)
The scouts report success: the Orc leader has been found, along with an unexpected ally.
Target Level: 55
Homebound (6 - 5)
Dunlendings have entered the fray! Éomer must set off to defend Edoras.
Target Level: 55
Weighty Footsteps (6 - 6)
Word reaches Éomer of a fearsome foe. The Éored must defeat it before it's truly unleashed!
Target Level: 56
Shock Tactics (6 - 7)
The Dunlendings are in sight! Éomer prepares to charge their forces.
Target Level: 56
The Chase (6 - 8)
Éomer and Éothain swiftly pursue the fleeing Dunlendings. They must not regroup with the brutal Uruk-hai!
Target Level: 57
Game Overview
LOTR.gg is a Lord of the Rings Heroes of Middle Earth Database for the Lord of the Rings Heroes of Middle Earth app on iOS and Android.
Check it out at the official website
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