LOTR Heroes game service is shutting down on May 24th, 2024. Thank you for supporting the site - LOTR.GG will remain online for historical purposes but no new data will be processed after March 20th, 2024.
Battle on Weathertop (1 - 1)
Cold dread spreads across the fortress ruins. Enemies are closing in!
Target Level: 1
Strangers in the North (1 - 2)
Orcs are advancing! Strider and Frodo must find courage and prepare for a fight!
Target Level: 1
Deadly Delays (1 - 3)
Corrupted Arwen delays the travelers from leaving Weathertop.
Target Level: 1
The Wilds (1 - 4)
Although they hope to avoid being seen, even in the wilds the travelers are pursued.
Target Level: 2
A Troll in Time (1 - 5)
The travelers encounter familiar foes from Bilbo's old adventures.
Target Level: 2
Love in a Time of Chaos (1 - 6)
Corrupted Arwen directs enemies to attack the travelers. Strider implores her to reconsider her path.
Target Level: 3
The Last Bridge (1 - 7)
Corrupted Arwen is determined to keep Frodo and Strider from reaching Rivendell
Target Level: 3
The Final Stretch (1 - 8)
As Frodo’s condition worsens, Corrupted Arwen makes a decision which could change the outcome of his story.
Target Level: 3
Game Overview
LOTR.gg is a Lord of the Rings Heroes of Middle Earth Database for the Lord of the Rings Heroes of Middle Earth app on iOS and Android.
Check it out at the official website
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